Thursday, March 22, 2007

Missed Opportunities

Do you ever have an idea......but it's too late to go through with it? You know like coming up with a great way to propose after you are already married, or thinking of a great birthday gift for someone after you already gave them what you had picked out earlier. And by the time you come up with the great's too late. Or is it? The reason that I say this is because not long ago was St.Patricks day and all I did to spread Pat's love and cheer around the office was to wear my favorite shirt. I realize now I should have done more.

St. Patrick was an amazing man. He deserves more props than just me wearing my awesome shirt. Mad props to Pat. He was born in 385 A.D. and at 16 he was sold into slavery, similarily to Joseph, from Joseph and the technicolour dreamcoat. Although st. Patrick didn't wear a coat of colours that we know of, and he certainly didn't wear anything as cool as my Dublin vision shirt, he was a slave for 6 years before he escaped with the help of the underground railroad.

To honour his heroism and defeat of tyrany, I figure I should probably escape something too. But the only place I am required to be is the office. So i'm just going to walk out tomorrow with no warning. Me escaping work will symbolize St. Patricks escape from Slavery. And if I get in trouble I'll claim religious injustices and prejudice and i'll probably end up getting a raise or even promoted.

St. Patrick was also said to have preached a sermon on a hill that ended up driving every snake out of ireland. So I figure I should probably kill all the snakes in our office, too. Actually ireland wasn't home to any type of snake and neither is the office that I work at, so i'll just have to bring one in an kill it for everyone to see. If St. Patrick can make change in all of Ireland, I think I should at least do something to change the office. Sometimes a great idea is good, even if the idea that you had would have been better to do before the idea actually came to you.

1 comment:

Shara said...

Josh you are hilarious, I wish I lived closer to you, so I could get in on more of your strange rants. :) You're awesome!