Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New York & No Playoffs for the Leafs

My feelings are hurt. I travelled all the way to New York to watch the maple leafs play the islanders. I even went to the morning skate and wished some of them my personal support. I EVEN went in the islanders dressing room, took Ryan Smyth's skate off of it's hook..........and then put it back. I thought the leafs didn't need my help. In retrospect I should have stolen his skate so he would have had to play the game with only one skate, because apparently the leafs couldn't win. Not to mention the fact that a drunken moron islanders fan was grabbing my shoulders and rocking me back and forth every time they scored. Until eventually I turned around and told him to get his hands off of me. Which prompted him to say "can't touch him" over and over again, and clapping his hands about 3 cm from my ears. But other than this experience the trip was great. The game was fun too, just wish the lafs had won. We went shopping a lot, Dad and I played a lot of hockey on friday, we went to the bentley/lamborghini dealership and checked out cars, went to see a play at Dad and Paula's church, and did some other fun stuff!

pet peeve: People who have no concept of others or politeness. If I stand in the cold blowing wind for 13 seconds just to keep a door open for MIGHT as well just say thankyou or even just make your eyes look at me to achknowledge I exist and the door didn't just magically hold itself open.

well.....Shara.....I hope you are feeling better if you read this. Get well soon. But on the plus've got a sweet tv and a fun new computer to play with. :) Alas, it is 7:28am. I have to leave the house by 7:30am. I haven't showered, made a lunch, or gotten dressed yet. I should probably think about getting ready to go. Yep. I will.

1 comment:

Shara said...

you're a funny guy. I wanted to call and wish you guys a happy anniversary, but I've just been feelin lousy...and done little more that sit here and sulk.

Sorry about the Leafs...